Information and Training Centres
In order to provide free access to knowledge and information on IWT sector and subsequently attract workforce in this specific field, four Information and Training Centres were established in Galati, Romania (InfoDanube), Sisak, Croatia (RIS Centre), Enns, Austria (Infocenter Danube) and Budapest, Hungary (DUNAPROMO).

The Information and Training Centres are aimed at:
• providing reliable information about inland waterway transport
• providing training in the specific field of inland navigation
• promoting inland navigation activities and encourage development of the entrepreneurial spirit of youngsters
• raising young people enthusiasm for specific jobs in the sector
• acting as binding agents between relevant authorities and stakeholders and potential job aspirants so as to achieve a certain cohesion between school and the labour market

Info Sheets:
Infocenter Danube Austria
InfoDanube Romania

InfoDanube is arranged on board CERONAV’s pontoon located in the port of Galati. It is a multifunctional space consisting of a multimedia information area, a showroom and an interactive training area which will allow the organization of thematic tours, workshops, symposia, round tables as other such events.
InfoDanube offers visitors an insight into all Danube related activities (transport, port operations, navigation, jobs etc.) as well as the possibility to experience real life situations such as steering a vessel, search and rescue operations, anchorage, mooring and route planning.
InfoDanube addresses the general public, pupils from secondary/ vocational schools and colleges, students, teaching staff, port and transport operators, IWT professional associations and organizations, tourists.
InfoDanube has a triple purpose: information, training and promotion. To this end it was equipped with latest multimedia elements, appliances and tools (mobile info terminal kiosks, multimedia software application, interactive education and training software, multimedia elements, ship models and radio control boats).

Address: Pier 13/14, Port of Galati
Phone/ fax: +40 236 416773/ 471011
Find us on Facebook

RIS Centre
Training centre on River Information Services (RIS), setup in Sisak, Croatia, provides hands-on training on vessel Tracking and Tracing, Notices to Skippers, electronic reporting, Data Gateway as well as practical use of AIS transponders. In addition to pilot training courses organized within the scope of NELI, a training manual has been produced to be used as a training aid as well as a practical reference tool for RIS beneficiaries. RIS training is targeted at IWT professionals of both public and private sectors.

Address: Rimska 16, Sisak, Croatia
Phone/ fax: +385 1 631 4445 / +385 1 631 4444
Infocenter Danube
Infocenter Danube is an additional information area of the visitor world Ennshafen for the promotion of Inland Waterway Transportation with a 360° view over the economic driving force Ennshafen. It provides interactive information on the 5th floor of the logistic center Ennshafen and consists of an event area, information area about the advanced Danube region as well as a Navigation Station with minigames and a 3D cinema.

Address: Donaustraße 3, 4470 Enns, Austria
Phone/ fax: +43 (0)7223 84151-121 / +43 (0) 7223 84151-110
RSOE executed several mobile ITC promotion actions in Hungary (Budapest, Baja, Győr and Mohács) in frames of the project in order to gain experience about the target group's feedback, inputs. The successful promotion tour in Hungary was including topics related to nautics, ports and logistics, river information services and ship types and ship design. The Water Police and Water Management were also contributing to the promotion actions.

DUNAPROMO contact: Gergely Mező (RSOE)
Phone/ fax: +36 1 303 0168 / +36 1 477 0549

On October 22nd CERONAV organizes a national promotion workshop aimed at disseminating information about project progress and inform Romanian stakeholders on the new concepts to be developed for a read more...
2013 edition of SMART Rivers Conference and associated activities will be held from 23 to 27 September in Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Liège (Belgium). This is the sixth conference of its kind read more...