DKN Forum News
Use of vessel handling simulators in testing practical competence of boatmasters
Posted by Annonymous on April 01, 2014 | 0 Comments
Category: None
In order to meet the increasing demand for qualified crew members for inland navigation in the medium and long term, the STF Committee (Committee on Social Questions, Employment and Training) of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR), in cooperation with competent experts from EDINNA, adopted a road map to the use of vessel handling simulators in the context of optional practical training and examination.

It is essential that skippers have a high level of competence backed by practical experience, thereby ensuring safety on inland waterways. At present, the only means of attesting this practical experience is the accumulation of four years of navigation time, listed in the crew member’s service record book. Training and examination on top-quality simulators would make it possible to submit candidates to near-real conditions in which they’d be able to better prove acquired skills and competences.

STF Committee is thus opening the way for the validation
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New procedure for the recognition of training courses for boatmen with CCNR
Posted by Annonymous on December 13, 2013 | 0 Comments
On the 5th of December 2013, during the Plenary Session of its 5th Congress, the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine adopted The transparent procedure for the recognition of professional training courses for boatmen (draft procedure can be consulted here)

Training institutions providing courses for boatmen from countries which have already signed the multilateral Administrative Arrangement for the mutual recognition of service record books (Austria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Poland and the Czech Republic) are invited to apply for the recognition of their training course through the national administration and in compliance with the procedure.

Serbia and Croatia already informed CCNR of their intention to apply for the recognition of service books and continue with the recognition of the relevant training courses.

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Danube Knowledge Network Group on LinkedIn
Posted by Annonymous on October 08, 2013 | 0 Comments
In order to provide a dynamic framework for transnational cooperation to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and transfer of best practices, HINT Consortium created the Danube Knowledge Network Group on LinkedIn ( which not only introduces its members to each other but also provides further networking possibilities between the education system and the labour market, between public and private companies, between relevant river organisations and policy makers.

European commission initiative on the recognition and modernisation of professional qualifications in inland navigation
Posted by Annonymous on July 15, 2013 | 1 Comment
In March 2013, the European Commission launched an initiative on the recognition and modernisation of professional qualifications in inland navigation.
The goal of the initiative is the removal of barriers between EU Member States for exercising professions in the field of inland navigation, thus subscribing to the main goal of the EC common transport policy of the free movement of persons and goods across the EU.
Thus, between March 26th and June 21st interested parties could fill in a well-targeted questionnaire approaching following issues: existing administrative and legislative barriers preventing labour mobility, necessity of local knowledge requirements and recognition of service record books and implementation of standard inland navigation communication phrases.
HINT consortium stepped in and contributed to the consultation process by translating the questionnaire into Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Hungarian, Croatian and Slovak languages (available at
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HINT at Danube Commission
Posted by Annonymous on June 18, 2013 | 1 Comment
HINT project was invited by the Danube Commission, observer to the project, to brief members of the Expert Group on the Shipping Policy for the Danube on the current status of the project and further developments in the field of professional education and training for river personnel. The meeting also considered the Medium-term Action Programme of the Danube Commission which gave HINT the opportunity to make a contribution thereto as the significance of the project for the Danube navigation is highly regarded not only in the light of the outcomes of the previous project NELI, already endorsed by the Danube Commission, but also of current objectives with regard to harmonization of professional qualifications and introduction of modern teaching tools in the respective field. The meeting was attended by the representatives of all Danube Commission member countries who ensured HINT Consortium of their support and involvement in the validation of future outcomes with regard to practical continue reading
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