DKN Forum News
European commission initiative on the recognition and modernisation of professional qualifications in inland navigation
Posted by Annonymous on July 15, 2013 | 1 Comment
In March 2013, the European Commission launched an initiative on the recognition and modernisation of professional qualifications in inland navigation.
The goal of the initiative is the removal of barriers between EU Member States for exercising professions in the field of inland navigation, thus subscribing to the main goal of the EC common transport policy of the free movement of persons and goods across the EU.
Thus, between March 26th and June 21st interested parties could fill in a well-targeted questionnaire approaching following issues: existing administrative and legislative barriers preventing labour mobility, necessity of local knowledge requirements and recognition of service record books and implementation of standard inland navigation communication phrases.
HINT consortium stepped in and contributed to the consultation process by translating the questionnaire into Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Hungarian, Croatian and Slovak languages (available at ) and advising local stakeholders on its release so that as many stakeholders as possible could provide feedback.
Preliminary results provided by the EC show that HINT partners had a major contribution to the above mentioned initiative as 43 questionnaires of a total of 94 were submitted by stakeholders in project participant countries.
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April 06, 2014 22:24:03
Comment by vasile pipirigeanu
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